
Wednesday 11th September 2019

When approaching Time Code and Multi-Camera, I would make sure to sync in all camera with the same time, which is 01:00:00:00.

Friday 20th September 2019

ND Filter - Alters Shades of the camera.



Shot Types - Dolly, Crane, Pan Tilt, Dutch, etc

F-Stop - F8

Colour Balance
Low Level of Colour and a high lever of colour. The high level is blue, and lower level is red. Red Low source of light is like fire, e.g., Candle. Blue High source of light is sky in the day. This is known as Colour Temperature.



Choose Emotions and Images:




-Film Images

Emotion Example: Anger


-Eye Contact


 Those are things that make people angry.

Secondary Research:

- Books, TV, Documentary, Reviews, etc.

- Someone else's opinion

- Gameshow: Content Tasks

- Get Reaction, then I comment. 

- No Emojis!!!

- Find someone else's opinions on your content.

Primary Research:
(Explore different areas of primary)


-Observation (Observe audience and record reaction)

-During observation, you will see what their reactions are; how they feel about your content.

-Test how audience feels

-Gather written reactions; see how they feel

- Experiment; see how people react)

Qualitative and Quantitative 

-Quantitative Data: Has numeral results. More answers, more results. If answers is yes or no, that is numerical answer.

-Qualitative Data: Gathers peoples attributes behaviour, aspirations, fantasy, culture, lifestyles, career, answers, hobbies/interests, passions.

-How to get their answers - Survey, Email, Notes, Photos, Videos. All of these are Qualitative Data.

Reliability of Data
(Reliable = Repeatable)

-Reliable Data is repeatable; always will get the same answer.

-Example: Asking about Age. Always the same, unless had birthday.

-Another Example: Saying about Favourite Film. Will never change. So I will always love Alien (1979).

-Valid: Does it measure what it's supposed to measure? It is even true?

-Existing Video clips; Multi-Camera peices. 

Wednesday 2nd October 2019

Primary and Secondary Research. In conjunction with Theories. Like Recetion Theory for example.



Idea in Detail

Different shot types
Example: 10 shot types with 3 cameras

It going to be cool/warm? Specifically the Hue. 'Hue' has temperature.

High Temperature could red, orange, yellow.

Candle - Low Light.

'Kelvin', is a Temperature.

-273 degrees means absolute zero. It get so cold, that everything get cold.

Colour Temperature Chart:

Red is 1100k

Blue is 10,000 k

There is also a Black Balance.

Shutter Speed

Aperture (F Stop)

(Filter) (ISO)

What will you be using during shooting? What is required?
Setting? Sound? Props? Costume? Music?

I need three cameras, one tripod for each.

Constraints and Limitations


Problem - People could cancel for starring in.

Solution - Plan B. Or even Plan C.

Everything could stay the same, but the actor could change, if he/she, backs out.


Plan out budget to allocate for project, e.g., props, travel, costumes, equipment, food, etc.

There is also a Pro Budget for more expensive projects, e.g, £10,000.


In your treatment, there is a hypothetic audiencem at the end. I.e., MTV is music based. Demographic.

What tie will it broadcast? Example: MTV Music will be showcased at 7:45 PM on MTV.

And also, I will think about the BBC introducing it.

As part of treatment, make sure to add audience theory, like Reception theory for example. Also include shot types, how many cameras.

What sounds are you using? Foley? Digital Sound FX? 

What budget? What pope you need? Camera crew? Sound? Actors?

For example, Russian Roulette MiniSeries would appeal to 15 years and over, those who enjoy horror, mystery, and suspense. And those who enjoyed the first episode.


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